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Essentia Health Found Guilty of 6 OSHA Health & Safety Violations

Essentia recently was found guilty of half a dozen health & safety violations by OSHA (the federal Department of Labor’s Occupational Health & Safety Administration). Each violation came with a fine of several thousand dollars, concrete remedies and a notice that the company has to post. The notices have been posted by Essentia in the basement of the 3rd Street Clinic. They are in the SW hallway that leads to the abandoned laundry chute closet and the boiler room. Feel free to swing down there and take a look at them, or they are posted on the website of the United Steelworkers Local 9460. are posting copies of them below. For its part the union has stated that they are quite satisfied with OSHA’s ruling, and are particularly pleased that Environmental Services staff have finally been issued with tongs that they can use to pick up sharps. We want to salute all of the workers who stood up and participated in this process!

Link to the 6 OSHA violations


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