Ian Cuypers is a door dash driver who was delivering food in Superior in February. He was unfamiliar with the neighborhood, and while looking for an address he accidently took a wrong turn down a one way street. This led to Superior Police pulling him over. Multiple cops appeared on the scene. With weapons drawn and pointed at him, Ian was instructed to get out of the car with his hands up, to face away from the officers, and walk backwards towards them. When he attempted to explain himself, he was tased.
This is an outrageous incident of unnecessary force. Video footage has been posted online. Here is the link for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX_zKmiH3-E
You can also read the arresting police officers report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Kxo4t3lZQxs5dgEZXW4yDrjCjO2c2bE/viewIan is raising money for attorney. We urge folks to support him through this gofundme campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/lawyer-funds-to-fight-superior-pd
You can let the Superior PD know what you think about all this by emailing them at: policedept@ci.superior.wi.us
Abolish the Police!