" An old friend of mine showed me a ticket and citation for violating Duluth’s new camping law that allows the police to issue a ticket for a fine — or jail time if the fine is not paid. He was told he had to pay $250 in fines and had to leave where he was staying near the sailboat sculpture at the foot of Mesaba Avenue. He was not the only one staying there; others were ticketed as well. They moved to another location and are tired of continuously having to find a place to stay."
Duluth is now going after folks living in their cars. With the Damiano Center's overnight parking program closed for the season, and the Warming Center not being allowed to offer their lot, folks have been overnighting in the parking lots of city parks. Duluth's response to this has been to order the police to drive them out. This past summer the City choose protecting grass over helping the unhoused. Now the City is literally choosing to make sure these lots are unused overnight so that the asphalt can get a good night's sleep.